Steed Product Features
At Steed, our goal is to turn online learning inside out. No more lengthy texts or one-directional video lectures, we capture your learner’s attention by delivering groundbreaking asynchronous microlearning experiences, using the latest interactive technology. Our feature-packed interactive learning experience can generate vastly optimal learning outcomes compared with traditional online learning.

Course design for the mobile generation
As experts at catering to the learning needs for the mobile generation, we can transform your existing instructional material into bite-sized microlearning courses. By turning uni-directional lectures into bi-directional dialogs, we weave key learning points into relatable, real-life scenarios. Learners can engage in lively conversations and master the material much more effectively.

Flexible course planning
We can organize your course into required and optional modules, arranged according to the practical objectives of your courses and the individual needs of your learners. By adding a variety of metadata to each lesson, and arranging them in a combination of sequential and non-linear orders, we deliver a fully flexible learning experience that is still complaint with different requirements.

Animated shorts production
We can write, voice, and produce captivating animated shorts that illustrate the key learning points of your teaching material, taking your lessons beyond plain text and static images and bringing them to life.

A rich variety of exercises
By interspersing instruction with a wide range of thought-provoking exercises, we encourage your learners to actively participate in the lessons, leaving a long-lasting impression of the material. Apart from multiple choice and mix-and-match questions, we can set up free-form questions set to different ranges of acceptable answers, prompting active text and voice input from your learners.

Instant AI-driven feedback to user response
We can set up instant feedback to exercise questions using AI-driven Natural Language Processing or other technology, without requiring human instructors to grade exercises one by one. To ensure your learners get the most out of the exercises, we can provide intelligent and constructive feedback to their individual responses.

Keep track of learners’ progress
With full learning logs available, learners and organizations can easily keep track of learning progress. Assessment tests can be set up at various checkpoints for learners to prove that they have mastered the new knowledge and skills acquired.

Assistive learning features
Learners have access to a variety of assistive learning features, including mobile lesson summary, closed captioning, video transcripts, custom annotations, etc.

Integration with your existing user management system
We can integrate our courses with your existing user management system, delivering learning history of all users with dedicated APIs. We can also set up a separate course payment system on your behalf, allowing new learners to pay for access using credit card, debit card, LINE Pay, and other payment methods.

Plug-in customization
We can create custom plug-ins to suit your various needs for course development, usage analysis, etc.